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Still used after centuries, the sail-powered vessel has been a cornerstone of Eden’s society since the first century tiel. Wind is freely available on Eden, flowing in predictable directions at different times of the tiel and making wind-powered ships a venerable ship. The Zephyr’s pre-Apocalypse predecessors were often built by hand by gleanei of the 3rd through 6th centuries. The ship is based on the centuries of improvements by these gleanei to match the shape and size of sails and hull to Eden’s unique wind conditions and tidal currents. Due to this, the hull is also designed to work well in both the open ocean riding through large swells and in small straits or shallow harbors with ease. At the same time, the hull is also optimized to maximize water displacement for heavy loads, allowing the Zephyr to carry over a hundred metric tons of cargo. The cargo hold can be reconfigured to transport nearly anything, from foodstuffs to metallic ores, finished goods to passengers. There are many Zephyrs that are also equipped with pressurized tanks for transport of methane hydrate. This ease in modification and low maintenance requirements makes the Zephyr ideal for low-cost cargo and passenger transport, long-ranged excursions and privateering.

Service Record

Crucial to international shipping and numbering in the tens of thousands, the Zephyr is used extensively by the privateer consortiums and has filled an important niche role in Eden’s post-Apocalyptic age. First manufactured in Tharsis, the Zephyr is now manufactured extensively in every port around the planet. Some consortiums even lease their own shipyards from the habitat cities, building their own Zephyrs and other ships. Because of its extensive and widespread use, spare and replacement parts for the Zephyr are extremely cheap and easy to come by. Due to this ease of repair, many Zephyrs in use today are nearly a century old, being refurbished every decade or so. Privateers have heavily customized these ships, adding distinctive personality to the ship to match here typical venue and her crew.

