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The Type 55 Zikru is a larger but similar version of the lighter Type 32 Light Combat Frame. It sports heavier armor and improved electronics, but keeps nearly the same level of mobility as its smaller brethren. The pilot sits within the heavily armored egg-shaped torso, surrounded by banks of tndeo monitors fed by a sophisticated sensor network. The same sensor network constantly feed data to the onboard Trideo Link for later playback and analysis. The Zikru or "Fatman" is considered a support unit for not control and blockades and is deployed accordingly.

In addition to a standard gas canister launcher (with increased payload) and vibroblade, the basic Type 55 also carries a water cannon for crowd control. The water cannon can easily be used to fight fires, and can be converted to use foam for increased effectiveness. If heavy trouble is expected, the Zikru can carry the Kroker lOmm machine-gun on either forearm hardpoint, but its usual combat load is a Mark XIV 25mm recoilless rifle, a low pressure cannon capable of dealing with lightly armored vehicles. The Mark XIV is issued only for SWAT operation support and other combat situations. Theoretically, the Type 55 could carry heavier weaponry, but since it is not a dedicated combat unit none has been planned so far.[1]

Service Record

Type 55 Frames are normally only deployed when the Corp-Serfs expect trouble. With some elements of the population becoming increasingly vocal about CEF occupation, the security forces have taken to discretely deploying Type 55's in problem areas. So far this strategy appears to be working, though how long it continues to work is anybody's guess. The success of the first Black Talon mission has lead to countless rumors and stories, true and false, about an impending attack from Terra Nova. This has many people thinking it is time to show their dissatisfaction with the NEC, violently if need be.[2]



  1. Life on Caprice - The Gate World (2000) DP9-047 pg. 88
  2. Life on Caprice - The Gate World (2000) DP9-047 pg. 88