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After the War of the Alliance, the Southern Republic was suffering critical shortages in military supplies. Damage to military industries had caused production to fall behind the rate at which military academies were training pilots. The Republican general staff was at a loss as to how to quickly bring their units back up to strength, until a vice-president of Territorial Arms proposed a solution: he suggested that the Republican Army requisition the equipment used by local city-state militias whose cities never saw front-line combat. One prefect exclaimed, “But that leaves our cities undefended from insurgents and rebels! What Gears will the local garrisons use?”, which lead the Territorial Arms representative to begin his sales pitch.

The Asp is an inexpensive alternative to the Jäger, and in fact shares many component with the older machine. Its relatively low cost and ease of piloting make it ideally suited for civil defense. The manipulator-held 13mm machinecannon and shoulder-mounted grenade launcher are excellent for eliminating infantry or light vehicles, though they have little effect on armored vehicles. While not intended to face enemy armor, the Asp’s heavy grenades give it a fighting chance against tanks and striders. Although the Asp’s overall armor is lighter than an Iguana’s, its frontal armor is heavier than a Jäger’s, enabling it to survive long enough to use its grenades.

Best of all, Territorial Arms has retooled an old Anolis production line and can deliver a hundred within days if needed.


An obviously inferior Gear, the Asp is never seen within the ranks of the Republican Army. In the military of individual city-states, on the other hand, the Asp is just as common as the Jäger because of the post-war “buyout” of garrison equipment. Despite its many weaknesses, the Asp is actually quite good at hunting down poorly armed rebels and providing backup for SWAT teams. The machine also forms the basis of the MILICIA's City Defense Cadres.

Nevertheless, the phrase “Smells like an Asp” quickly became pilot slang for a gear that has outlived most of its pilots.
