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Conceived originally by Neil Motor Works engineers as a top of the line mining Gear capable of accessing remote mines along the Westridge Mountain Range, the Lancier evolved into a dedicated mountaineering Gear after the design was evaluated as having a crucial role in NuCoal’s defense. The original design was retained as the military’s primary workhorse Gear, the Chargeur, but the combat variant of the mining Gear became the Lancier.

While the original design began as a Neil Motor Works project, the input of Humanist engineers made the Lancier a truly unique Gear. The integration of twin grapple launchers allowed the Gear greater stability and speed in scaling cliffs. In addition as the launchers were mounted on the Lancier’s reversed v-engine, the Lancier’s manipulators were free to hold weapons or be used for added stability.

Early tests of the Lancier showcased another use for the powerful grapple launchers at short range. Many of the test pilots noted how effective the lethally charged grappling hooks could rip into an opponent’s armor. While this option is certainly a viable tactic, most commanders frown at the use of climbing gear as a weapon and generally the usages of the grappling launchers are restricted to climbing use, but this regulation is largely disregarded by Lancier pilots, who are known to try and out do each other in acrobatic feats and as they term it “Score a Righteous Kill”. Lancier pilots go as far as painting winged hearts with spears through them on their Lancier’s as kill markers for just such kills, a practice rumored to have been started by Kinsy McDaniels, the Lancier’s original test pilot and current regimental duelist of the Mamulukes Regiment out of Temple Heights.

Another innovation introduced with the Lancier was the Gear Portable Launcher System. As the usual shoulder hardpoints were no longer a part of the Lancier, the GPL was designed as a suitable replacement for the standard rocket pods used by traditional Gear designs. One advantage to the GPL over the traditional launcher is the ability to carry extra ammunition on the Gear, giving the Lancier an advantage of carrying a supply for long term operations. This weapon system was also adopted by the airborne regiments as a result of tests performed with the Lancier.

The Lancier Gear is relatively simple as a design if all of the climbing Gear were to be removed. As the Lancier was designed with the modular parts integration system, the Gear shares many of the same components as the Chasseur MK I including the same internal components for the primary frame. The major differences between the Chasseur MK I and Lancier’s internal components are the addition of reinforcements to the primary frame in order to absorb the stresses of repeated rappelling.

While the Lancier does not share the secondary movement system as the Chasseur MK I, it does share the same SMS as the Cuirassier. The decision to not include a hover SMS on the Lancier was a result of a number of factors, not the least of which the instability created by large blasts of air against a climbing surface and the added weight of the system made the hover SMS impractical.[1]


The Lancier has enjoyed a great deal of success since its introduction to the military. While the Gear was originally designed for mountaineering, Lanciers were ordered by urban garrisons in greater quantity than the city states along the Westridge. Port Arthur fields an entire company of Lanciers in its urban garrison, but the largest concentration of Lanciers is found in Temple Heights.

The Lancier is the signature Gear used by the Mamelukes. The regiment has an equal number of Lanciers as they do Chasseur MKI’s, but only the best pilots of the regiment are assigned to Lanciers. Among the number of the Lancier pilots is the regiment’s duelist, Kinsy McDaniels, the original test pilot of the Lancier. Her Gear, Black Tom, is known to have an evolving NNet and is extremely responsive to her piloting, and has been known to anticipate her moves by assisting her with the occasional assist. McDaniels is the current reigning “Righteous Kill Queen” with fifty eight confirmed grapple take downs, most from rovers, but the last twenty have been from CEF kills.

Thirteen of the kills occurred during the rescue operation mounted by the Mamelukes to save Colonel Arthur’s family in Port Arthur at the inception of the second CEF invasion. The city terrain offered the expert pilot and her section an unparalleled freedom over the CEF forces as they escaped with the family.[2]



  1. Perfect Storm - NuCoal Field Guide (2012) DP9-9191 pg. 44
  2. Perfect Storm - NuCoal Field Guide (2012) DP9-9191 pg. 44