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The Panda is a next generation specialized assault Gear based on the Grizzly drawing upon lessons learned from the War of the Alliance.[1] In an attempt to build a "faster, stronger, better" Gear, the Panda features a more efficient engine allowing for greater operational endurance, additional armor, improved targeting systems and incorporates new actuators drawing upon lessons learned from the Cheetah resulting in an impressively maneuverable Gear for its size. The armament is suitable aggressive as well with a Banshee-X autocannon, heavy mortar, heavy rocket pack, twin frag cannons and a massive vibroax for its assault role.


Early testing of the Panda is just beginning but is already meeting technical design requirements. The testbed's performance has been well received despite some concerns from the engineering staff the Gear may be overly specialized. Pilots have enjoyed the improved control enabling a greater number and more accurate attacks which, paired with the autocannon and twin frag cannons, help demonstrate the lethality of the design at close range. In particular, they have been keen on the deterrent value the massive vibroax provides.

Development has seen some setbacks, with one major one in particular. Electrical problems, which normally prevent the targeting system from reaching its full potential, have been discovered to likely cause severe electrical burns if the sensitive systems were to go haywire. Aside from this issue, which is expected to be resolved, the design is progressing ahead of schedule and is generally agreed upon to be a much improved version of the Grizzly.


The Savage Panda addresses some overheating and electrical problems with the original Panda prototypes. To compensate for the weight of the new colling systems the heavy mortar is replaced with a lighter version. The Banshee-X autocannon is replaced with a standard heavy bazooka.[2]



  1. Northern Vehicles Compendium 1: Gears & Striders (1996) DP9-025 pg. 170
  2. Northern Vehicles Compendium 1: Gears & Striders (1996) DP9-025 pg. 173