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In the mid-nineteenth century, Mandeers developed a series of civilian Gears for racers and Gear enthusiasts. These lighter-model Gears were popular in the civilian market, and many city police forces purchased the inexpensive Gears to equip for law enforcement use. Mandeers capitalized on this popularity to develop the Salamander Gear.

Designed for speed and urban use, the Salamander sports wider wheels and rubberized pads under the feet. The principal weapon issued is a Waltech Propellant Cannon, which is designed to take water for crowd control, chemical foam for fire fighting, and flammable liquid for aggressive use. The attached 30mm autocannon adds a potent anti-vehicle and anti-Gear weapon to the Salamander.

The Gear was designed with additional shoulder hardpoints for missile and rocket pods, but most Salamander Gears are found without pods attached to them, due to their urban policing role. Because of its speed and maneuverability, this high-performance Gear is highly

coveted by many duelists, and Mandeers regularly sells to dueling teams in order to promote their product lines. Southern pilots particularly like the ability to customize the engine and other components via a host of aftermarket kits sold by Mandeers and other

manufacturers. As a result, the Gear has found popularity among underground racing circuits.

After the TN1932 refit, the Salamander was considered a viable military-grade Gear, and Mandeers secured sales to Mekong Peacekeeper and MILICIA regiments. The Salamander then saw limited action in the Mekong Dominion during the Interpolar War, after which Mandeers saw a huge uptake in sales to city-states across the South as the company offered lucrative deals on bulk orders and highly competitive interest rates on loans.


As an urban police Gear, the Salamader has been extensively used in city-states across the South. The popular tri-deo police drama, Blazing Blue, follows local officers in Saragossa as they hunt down terrorist cells and organized crime figures. The entire team is fitted with Mandeers-produced Salamanders and Street Vipers, while guest characters get “Asped,” a term used by viewers for characters that inevitably pilot Territorial Arms produced Asps.

The show makes a point of how shoddy the Asp’s construction is and how TA regularly cuts corners, usually after the “Asped” character dies in a spectacular fashion. Territorial Arms has fought back against the allegations in a PR blitz, but they have met with very little success for their efforts.
