Recce N-KIDU

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The term N-KIDU was coined by Steelgate and is used to refer to one of their latest lines of automatons. They are very much in line with typical automaton technology found on Utopia. N-KIDUs themselves are then broken down into mission profiles such as Commando, Recce and Support, which are the three most commonly seen N-KIDUs on Terra Nova.

They are generally directed via human commanders in the field. Some automatons receive an NAI that is advanced enough to allow them to take charge themselves as automaton commanders. These automaton commanders are referred to as Pazu variants or Pazu upgraded automatons.

The Recce variants are the more stealthy of the N-KIDUs found in the Utopian arsenal. These drones see use in recon squads and commando squads. They can be equipped with either comms gear or ECM gear allowing them to effectively contribute to any engagement.