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Lake Esperance moderates the temperatures of the Esperance basin, making the climate in most of the Republic unusually pleasant. The lake also provides a wonderful spot for the Strategic Forces branch to hide a few nuclear ballistic missile submarines. Unfortunately, the lake is also a great security risk and must be patrolled regularly to prevent Northern agents or internal enemies from establishing secret bases deep in its waters.

The Wasserjäger was the first Gear designed to patrol the Republic’s territorial waters. Based on a heavily modified Jäger chassis, the Wasserjäger is fully sealed and compartmentalized against leaks while submerged. A water-tight version of the hand-held 30mm PR-55 autocannon provides most of the Wasserjäger’s firepower when it is on dry land.

While submerged, a shoulder-mounted Standard-XII torpedo pod grants the Wasserjäger considerable underwater firepower. An HLB-16 APGL and a HHVB-3 vibroknife round out the weapons array. This Gear lacks the usual wheeled feet of most Gears and instead has submarine jets on the feet and backpack to maneuver underwater. Powerful batteries and oxygen compressors allow the Gear to remain submerged for hours before needing to rise near the surface and extend its engine snorkel.

The Wasserjäger is now an old, familiar sight among units stationed on the shores of the Republic’s lakes and rivers. Many Wasserjägers were sold to the Republic’s allies, including a large number bought by the Humanist Alliance to patrol Lake Darwin, the South’s largest fresh water lake. Although the more recent Water Viper model is slowly replacing it, the Wasserjäger is expected to remain in active service for at least another few decades.