Terra Nova

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Terra Nova

Terra Nova is an Earth-like exoplanet which colonized by mankind in the 6th millennium and was once the pride of the United Earth Government's colonies. However, an economic collapse forced the UEG government to abandon Terra Nova and all its other colonies centuries before the period depicted in the game setting, leaving Terra Nova in a dark age.

Eventually, City-states rose from the ashes and either through treaties or tyranny, united to form national unions called Leagues. These Leagues would in turn ally (again either peacefully or forcibly) to form the superpower blocs that dominated the temperate southern and northern hemispheres of the planet.

The planet's geography is primarily land containing deep underground water reserves, but few large bodies of open water, and no oceans. This is unlike Earth which is covered by 70% ocean. The planet has its own existing ecosystem of plants and animals, though most animals are reptilian in nature, such as the bison-like Barnaby used as livestock, and the prolific Hopper which is the equivalent of Earth's rabbit.

The single dominant land feature is a massive mineral rich, hot, desert belt around the equator of the world known as the Badlands. This territory is not dominated by any one political group, and is considered open territory to everyone, and contains many bandit groups known as Rovers. Most people live in the northern or southern polar regions where temperatures are more acceptable to human life, and other terrain types such as forests, grasslands, swamps and jungles can be found. Small ice caps with arctic conditions and glaciers are found on the true north and true south poles.


Despite its similarities to Earth, the former colony has a very different calendar. Days last 36 hours, not 24, and a complete year (called a “cycle” on Terra Nova) is around 168 days.

One Terran year is equal to roughly 1.4 cycles, and yearly dates marked with the suffix 'TN-' mark 'Cycles since discovery of Terra Nova'.

Tougher living conditions have slightly shortened the average Terranovan lifespan and forced people to mature much faster than on Earth. The term teenager, while referring to someone younger on Terra Nova than on Earth, is still someone between 12 and 18, but in cycles rather than in years. An young adult is still someone between 20 and 30. An elderly person is still someone above 70.


  • 1950 The Information Age begins.
  • 3244 The Prime Knights emerge.
  • 4588 The Interstellar Age begins.
  • 4752 (TN 1) Terra Nova is discovered.
  • 5104 (TN 493) Colonization of Terra Nova begins.
  • 5790 (TN 1454) Political and economic crisis on Earth cause an abrupt end of support to the colonies effectively cutting them off from Earth. This leads to constant strife on Terra Nova that continues for hundreds of years as different factions compete for power.
  • 5800 (TN 1467) It becomes commonplace to outfit heavy construction gears with weapons to wage war.
  • 5950 (TN 1678) The first massed produced heavy gear rolls off of the assembly lines.
  • 6115-6118 (TN 1909-1913) Earth returns and invades Caprice. Caprice becomes the first colony world to be subjugated by Earth’s Colonial Expeditionary Force (CEF), which allows them a foothold within the colony worlds.
  • 6118-6121 (TN 1913-1917) The CEF invades Terra Nova. This is known as the War of the Alliance because the Northern and Southern Leagues unite together to defeat the CEF with the timely help of Peace River.
  • 6134 (TN 1936) 19 Terra Novan cycles after the War of the Alliance, old rivalries flare and the leagues and factions of Terra Nova are plunged into The Interpolar War.
  • 6136 (TN 1939) The Interpolar War ends abruptly when Peace River City is suddenly destroyed by an anti-matter bomb, just before peace talks were to take place at that location, in the hopes of ending the conflict.
  • 6138 (TN 1941) Black Talon teams are deployed to other colony worlds to collect intelligence and conduct insurgency operations against the CEF.
  • 6145 (TN 1950) A CEF fleet gates to the Terra Novan system and the second CEF invasion of Terra Nova begins. 
