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The Copperhead was first introduced via a joint venture between Territorial Arms and Mandeers Heavy Industries to replace the aging and flawed Rattlesnake. Taking a cue from its predecessor, the Copperhead introduced several safety enhancements that would later be incorporated in the more sophisticated Sidewinder and Black Adder.

Copperheads were fielded regularly by the armies of the AST for about fifty cycles before being gradually phased out to allow the introduction of newer models and designs. Despite no longer having an official role within the ranks of the SRA or MILICIA, the Copperhead found a home within Badland communities, the Mekong Dominion, and the ESE.


Recent decades have been kind to the Copperhead, and it has experienced a resurgence in popularity with the introduction of licensed refit kits produced by Neil Motorworks and Dominion Motors. The Gear’s reputation for being a safe and durable ride has always made it a favorite amongst “old timers” of the War of the Alliance. With the availability of new upgrade kits for the aging Gear, including a comprehensive melee & motor functions overhaul, it has managed to recapture some of its former glory and stand toe-to-toe with more recent designs.

The Copperhead’s renewed popularity even spurred Mandeers to retool one of their civilian production lines in order to produce a second generation version of the Gear, incorporating many of the enhancements found in the refit kits. Currently, the new and updated Copperhead is being fielded by Badlands militias, MILICIA regiments, Dominion Peacekeepers, and Emirate retinues and is a popular alternative to the more expensive Jäger amongst these groups. Despite its age, the Copperhead is more than up to the task of engaging enemy targets within in its own class.
