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The Sampson HAPC was designed as a companion vehicle for the Hetarois, and many of the internal design elements are shared between the two designs.

Largely modeled after the CEF’s HPC-64 Pacifier, the Sampson was engineered at the White Rock skunkworks in the early TN1920’s using captured samples. Even with the samples, Humanist engineers had difficulty understanding the engineering principles behind Earth’s hovercraft.

After cycles of trying to replicate the CEF tech, Humanist engineering breakthrough came in TN1926, when Gavin Hypolite secured an exchange of information from Port Arthur. With access to Earth technicians and schematics, Humanist engineers were able to quickly construct a prototype hover vehicle. With limited testing capabilities, the hover APC was delayed in favor of the Hetarois’ development. By the time of the Interpolar War, the single prototype was moved to Port Arthur in order to safeguard the design from invading Southern Republic forces.

In Port Arthur, the Sampson underwent secondary design changes. Most of the design changes came from Neil Motor Works engineers, who proposed a simplification of the vehicle. The success of the Fusilier team in reducing the complexity of the original design prompted similar measures to be applied to the Sampson. In the redesign process, many of the internal components were standardized to work with the Fusilier and Voltigeur. With a number of systems removed from the design, the Sampson was given added armor and a wide rear door for rapid troop deployment. The simplified design was approved in TN1938 and Neil Motor Works and Javelin Systems beganproducing the vehicle later that cycle.


The inexpensive Sampson is one of the most widely produced military vehicles in NuCoal and is seen in every Regional Defense Zone and regiment. The vehicle has seen regular action including involvement in a number of small skirmishes late in the Inter-Polar War. Vehicle crews and armored infantry personnel have strong attachments to their assigned Sampsons, and most of the vehicles are adorned with nose art and names.

In TN1945, the Humanist Alliance began phasing out the southern Caiman APC from its forces and started replacing the model with Sampsons produced in the Javelin Systems factory in Raleigh. The first units to receive the Sampsons were cavalry companies utilizing

the Hetarois and Fusiliers.

Since the second CEF invasion, the Sampson has performed exceptionally well against its Pacifier counterparts. Increasingly the heavily armored Sampson has found itself pressed into service as a makeshift light hover-tank, and scouting vehicle.
