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The Hun is the premier Southern light battle tank. Named after a mythical barbarian tribe of ancient Earth, it serves the Republic and its allies as a light assault and patrol vehicle. Officially, it was developed over a century ago to put a definitive end to the Saragossan People’s Front for Independence’s terrorist acts against the Allied Southern Territories in general and the Southern Republic in particular. The backroom political intrigues which led to the development of the Hun were complex and intricate, but it should be emphasized that the Hun was in no way the best design which was proposed to the committee, but the one which would provide the most employment positions for Republicans.

The ACV-80S-VX Champion was by far a more modern and powerful design but was less suited to Republican interests. Regardless of the politics behind the decision, the Hun remains a viable vehicle and was produced in the tens of thousands by the end of the 19th century. Several thousands were later sold to the ESE and the Humanist Alliance.

The Hun is well adapted to the various environmental conditions of the southern hemisphere. The entire hull is water-tight and features twin “caterpillar” drive allowing the tank to propel itself over water at a speed of up to 12 kph. It sports a turreted light tank gun as its main weapon. A turreted laser unit provides additional ranged punch and serves as an anti-aircraft defense by virtue of its high accuracy.

The rear deck of the vehicle is equipped with hardpoints to carry a boxy Vogel-N 71 mm rocket launcher, allowing the tank to provide limited fire support on the battlefield. To reduce the overall height of the vehicle, the crew compartment was designed with a low ceiling and cramped elbow room. The communication system is a CHuM99 array from Devon-Holland Systems, which is a great improvement over the short-range SKP-74 radios which were first installed on the initial production runs of the Hun.


The Hun is used extensively by armored regiments in the MILICIA and the Republican army. Many were engaged (and lost) in desperate holding action during the War of the Alliance, giving the tank and its crews a reputation for steadfastness. After the War of the Alliance, over twelve thousand of them had been destroyed and, according to Republican statistics, over half the remaining Huns were too damaged to repair (most of them were either sold to Badlands counties or recycled for parts).

The remaining tanks are still in service today in strategic locations, ready to defend the South at a moment’s notice. It should be mentioned that Huns are currently very active in the Eastern Sun Emirates, working under AST supervision to quell the rebellions that have plagued that league for several cycles now. Their peacekeeping mission has already served to preserve the lives of thousands of civilians in Okavango and has prevented the rebel forces from crossing the Swamps west of the city-state.

Countless citizens from Bangweuleu, Javari and Skavara have expressed their gratitude to the Southern Republic for its much-needed intervention. Overall, the Hun is probably the most successful light armored vehicle ever fielded by a Southern army and it has given rise to an entire series of specialized combat vehicles — the so-called “80” series, which include the Ostrogoth and Hittite.
