Street Viper

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Developed at the same time as the Desert Viper, the Street Viper incorporates many of the same features as its military cousin.

The civilian model of the Desert Viper has been a popular Gear for private collectors, street racers, and rally racers. Some city-state police forces maintain squads of Street Vipers for high-speed chases through crowded streets and for easy pursuit on highways and mountainous roads.

In an effort to find a larger audience for this high-speed civilian Gear, Mandeers Heavy Industries outfitted the civilian Street Viper with military grade armor, ballistic cloth, and a small caliber autocannon for its primary weapon. This low-cost Gear has options for police equipment, and the cockpit was redesigned by Dynamic Systems to be ergonomic, making the Gear extremely comfortable for long operations or stakeouts.

With advanced actuators borrowed from Mandeers’ Diamondback, the lack of heavy armor, and its massive WC-780S v-engine, the Street Viper is highly agile and currently holds the fastest ground-speed record of any Southern Gear. The performance of the Street Viper was so significant that in TN1943 the MILICIA began buying the Gear as a cheap replacement to their aging Dart Jägers.

For most part, the militarized Street Viper is found in city militias and police forces as an inexpensive scout or interception unit. Pilots assigned to the Gear love its creature comforts, while bureaucrats love the dinars they save by buying the Street Viper at costs that are only slightly more than Territorial Arm’s own city militia Gear, the Asp.


The Street Viper has seen little actual combat beyond occasional police action, though it has been subject to intense anti-terrorism missions in Saragossa since its introduction to the local police force. The mountainous regions surrounding Saragossa are ideal for terrorist training camps, and the Street Viper has proven invaluable in assisting SWAT teams rooting out these strongholds.

In addition to counter-terrorism operations, the Street Viper has a growing presence in the Great Plains Police in the Southern Republic. The low cost of the Gear combined with its high speeds and off-road capabilities make it ideal for capturing smugglers and defending against the odd rover bands that make their way into the region.
