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The Type 27 Sarru or "Big Guy" is a heavy rescue and combat model that is rarely deployed in Gomorrah. Its bulk and wide shoulder armor blocks make it a tight fit in some of the smaller back alleys, though its squat silhouette helps when crossing some of the older street tunnels. The feet are wide and well-articulated, giving the Mount equally solid purchase on a slippery urban pavement or an uneven rock surface. The feet are covered with a sturdy polymer compound to avoid damaging the city's infrastructure. In addition to the standard canister launcher and vibroblade, the Type 27 carries a foam cannon attached to its right forearm hardpoint as standard for heavy rescue operations. A combination of special heat resistant armor and heavy duty cooling system allows the "Big Guy" to get inside a fire zone to affect rescues or fight the blaze with minimum discomfort.

The support role means the Type 27 can be very well equipped to deal with most situations it is likely to encounter. For combat operations, the Type 27 carries a Model 2700 chaingun in place of the foam cannon. It is also capable of using the Mark XIV 25mm recoilless rifle or Kroker lOmm machine-gun as dictated by the situation. Twin hardpoints, placed on either side of the powerplant on the back of the machine, can accept a number of weapons ranging from unguided rocket pods to light energy weaponry.[1]

Service Record

The only situations Type 27 Mounts are dispatched to with any frequency are to fight large fires. Most combat situations that would have seen the "Big Guy" deployed to in the past are now the responsibility of the CEF troops. While the CEF response is usually excessive, they are too concerned about security and insurrection to let mere Corp-Serfs deal with the situation, no matter what they are riding.[2]



  1. Life on Caprice - The Gate World (2000) DP9-047 pg. 90
  2. Life on Caprice - The Gate World (2000) DP9-047 pg. 90