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There has always been a need for a small transport vehicle capable of limited cross-country travel: the ubiquitous “jeep,” from the name of one of the first such vehicles. They can act as courier, infantry transport or light combat vehicles, and are always inexpensive to both produce and field. The Antelope is a design that is found in virtually every armed force on the planet. Although its name and overall appearance may differ slightly from place to place, the Antelope and its copies share a similar performance profile and role.

The engineering principles behind such vehicles is as old as time and thoroughly tested for its efficiency — there is little need to modify it or improve it greatly. The vehicle is built around a sturdy metal frame and a steel body. A rugged suspension and a diesel engine (replaced in some variants by a V-engine with a similar performance) are bolted to it and covered with a light sheet-metal hull, ensuring it can tolerate at least minimal damage. This shell is thick enough to stop small shrapnel, but is powerless against most infantry weapons. While the Antelope may carry some weaponry on its pintle mount, it is not meant for direct confrontation.

The Antelope was initially a simple 4 x 2 vehicle, something which was improved over time as the need arose for a more flexible and efficient 4 x 4 drive. While the model shown above does not have a roof or doors, there are some other models which do. Earlier production series of the Antelope featured slightly larger wheels and benefitted from a higher ground clearance, giving them better offroad capabilities, but it reduced their maneuverability and turning radius. There were several cases of Antelopes toppling over from trying to perform sharp turns, causing the deaths of several drivers. It was later modified to have a lower center of gravity and wider tires for improved road traction. Among the countless variants which were developed, the Ambulance Antelope, the Spotter Antelope and the Sprint Antelope have become famous over the decades for their vital contribution to ground communication and rescue. Many other variants have cropped up over the cycles, undoubtedly confirming the value and versatility of the Antelope.


The Antelope, while an ordinary general purpose vehicle, became extremely famous during the days of the War of the Alliance. Most rebellious Badlanders, having access to very limited resources, used a great number of Antelopes for their movements and their communications. Further, some of the more daring and audacious Badlands rovers who wanted to oppose the advancing CEF forces used the barely armored Antelopes to lay traps for the Earth soldiers.

In some cases, they zig zagged across the battlefield, evading hovertank fire and drawing them towards mined areas. More than one bait-Badlander died on those very mines which were meant for the hovertanks, but Earth forces soon learned to their dismay that the Badlanders were extremely apt drivers. It is rumored that some of the more suicidal Badlanders frequently loaded up their Antelopes with explosives tied to a makeshift collision detector on the front bumper and rammed into the hovertanks. Again, several men and women died from not having jumped off the vehicle soon enough.

Nowadays, more than any other vehicle in its category, the Antelope is perceived with an aura of glamor and heroism, and a great number of civilian models have appeared on the market, capitalizing on the romantic image of the vehicle to increase their sales.