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During the War of the Alliance, the Humanist Alliance endeavored to collect as many samples of the invading CEF force’s hover and energy weapon technology in order to understand and eventually exploit it for their own uses.

Covertly, these battle-damaged samples were initially sent to White Rock’s R&D facilities for study by dedicated teams of preceptors. By TN1920, the preceptors had reverse engineered most of the design principals of the technology, but a few key components of construction eluded the team. In TN1926, the design team gained access to schematics through Gavin Hypolite’s embassy in Port Arthur. In exchange for these plans, Colonel Arthur secured replacement parts for his fleet of hovertanks as well as an ally on Terra Nova. Eventually this relationship would see the development of two joint ventures used by both forces: the Sampson HAPC [HAPF Designation: Mitra] and the Fusilier light hover tank [HAPF Designation: Kopis].

Advanced development of these vehicles and the Hetairoi was conducted in secret at the White Rock skunk works until TN1928, when the project was farmed out throughout the Humanist Alliance, including think tanks in Thebes and remote HAPF bases on the edge of the Humanist and Badlands border. Additional development on the vehicles occurred in Port Arthur and Fort Neil in NuCoal. By TN1936, NuCoal, Port Arthur Korp, and the HAPF forces had all three designs active in their frontline forces. While the Hetairoi had been part of HAPF’s arsenal since the late TN1920s, the current generation of the hovertank is a improvement from the first-generation model and bridges the gap between the CEF’s Prowler and Predator series hovertank in armor and armament.


The Hetairoi is HAPF’s main battle tank and has largely replaced the Visigoth everywhere except city garrisons and bases. The speed and versatile interchangeable armament packages make the Hetairoi a popular vehicle among protectors who pilot them and the battle groups employing them. With the addition of the Sampson HAPC and the Fusilier to the combat groups in the late TN1930s, the HAPF has become an incredibly mobile force, and in the current War for Terra Nova, Humanist forces have been incredibly effective against the CEF invaders in their own territory.

In addition to operations within the league, HAPF and NuCoal forces have put the hovertank to good use in the Barrington Basin. The rugged design is capable of handling the desert conditions of Terra Nova better than the aging PAK equipment. As a result, the NSDF and their allied HAPF battle groups use the Hetairoi in extended patrols outside of the PAK Defense Zone. Of note, many of the internal systems of the Hetairoi are interchangeable with the PAK hovertanks due to the origin of the HAPF design.
