Warrior MK IV

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The successor to the Warrior general purpose trooper Gear, the Warrior IV was designed to compete with modern commando units like the Northco Jaguar and the Territorial Arms Black Mamba.

Unlike the first generation of the Warrior — which was for the most part a copy of the Hunter — the Warrior IV is its own machine. The Warrior IV was designed to provide a combination of speed and protection that is virtually unparalleled on the modern battlefield. Able to attain speeds matching a scout machine like the Northern Cheetah, it carries enough armor to shrug off many light to medium weapons. Paxton designers did have to sacrifice desired maneuverability improvements to have both speed and armor, however.

The offensive profile of the Warrior IV is almost identical to its predecessor, although the light RP-109 rocket pod is replaced by a more powerful RP-110, allowing the Gear to assault heavier targets.

The frame is reinforced for airdropping, a modification long requested by the air-mobile Peace River Defense Force. Unlike either the Jaguar or Black Mamba, the Warrior IV also brings electronic warfare capabilities to the field, with an augmented ECM pod.[1]


Introduced in TN 1922, the Warrior IV has not seen any major conflict yet. It has, however, become a standard part of the Peace River Defense Force and seen a fair amount of action in that capacity. The PRDF has faced down rovers and polar forces across the Western Desert and Karaq Wastes since the War of the Alliance and the cutting-edge Gear has performed well in these duties.

Until the recent withdrawal of PRDF assets from the eastern extremity of the Western Desert, confrontations with the hovertanks of the Arthurian Corps were also common. The Warrior IV stands up well to these Terran forces, using its electronic warfare equipment to blind the enemy. The Warrior IV has not been a sales success as of yet, however. Only in limited production, it is an expense few Badlanders can afford.[2]


  1. The Paxton Gambit - Peace River Showdown (1998) DP9-040 pg. 60
  2. The Paxton Gambit - Peace River Showdown (1998) DP9-040 pg. 60