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The Type 112, known under the monicker of Rabbu or "Bug Monster" for its odd appearance, is a new improved patrol Frame model that has recently begun deployment with the Corporate Security forces. In essence, the Type 112 is an improved Type 55 that may eventually replace the Type 32 as a fast deployment unit. Like the other Frames, the Type 112 is powered by a vertically-mounted gas turbine located in a rectangular housing on the machine's back.

The biggest change to the basic Type 55 frame is the addition of another pair of legs. All four legs are tipped with a wheeled secondaly movement system that provides increased speed and mobility on pavement and other plane surfaces. Though the machine's walker mode is not as mobile as its claw-tipped cousin, the extra speed provided by the wheels more than make up for it. The hull also has increased armor thickness on selected forward locations, though there are little external signs of this.

The vehicle retains the standard gas canister launcher and vibroblade used by Corp-Serf walker vehicles. The Type 112 is also capable of using the Model 2700 chaingun and Mark XI11 25mm recoilless rifle (which are not available to the smaller Type 32), in addition to the Kroker 1Omm machine-gun.[1]

Service Record

Corp-Serf units had been demanding a more mobile vehicle for decades. The Rabbu entered production only five years ago, after being stalled for a long time by the red tape of the CEF management board. It is likely that the certification efforts were hampered by the CID or other internal CEF agency, who likely wished to restrict the equipment of a rival (and potentially hostile) armed corps. The Type 112 is just beginning its deployment, but it is already being highly praised by Frame pilots who used to pilot Type 32s.[2]



  1. Life on Caprice - The Gate World (2000) DP9-047 pg. 92
  2. Life on Caprice - The Gate World (2000) DP9-047 pg. 92