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The Type 32 Maru or "Little Boy" is the standard patrol Frame of the Caprice Corporate Security Forces. Small and wide-footed, the tiny Frame can easily make its way across both the urban jungle of the Gommorran hubs or the broken ground of the nearby trenches, its two usual operation fields. The Type 32 carries relatively strong armor for its size, to reduce possible damage to the Frame during chases since collisions are quite common. Right of Consent makes collisions or other physical contact with a Corp-Serf Frame very defensible for the pilot: he is authorized to take whatever measures are necessary to prevent harm to bystanders.

Type 32s carry the standard gas canister launcher of all Corp-Serf Frames. The canisters contain a combination of paralytic agent with CS gas that immobilizes a person while making the entire experience extremely uncomfortable. Experiencing the gas is often the only punishment for rioting, though agent provocateurs and ring leaders still face harsher punishment. The other weapon common to all Corp-Serf Frames is a vibroblade. This gives the Frame operator the multiple options for uses like rescues and seizures. Additionally, the Type 32 can also carry a Kroker lOmm machine-gun with a choice of lethal or non-lethal ammunition.

Trideo uplinks are common equipment on all Frames. The Corp-Serf learned long ago that they are not only useful for identifying troublemakers, but also as a valuable propaganda tool. When dissident groups produce footage that someone killed by a Frame, they often conveniently leave out the reason the person was killed. It also provides better real-time intelligence to the officers responsible for coordinating riot control.[1]

Service Record

The Type 32 has proven to be an effective design, not to mention popular with its pilots. While it lacks both offensive and defensive power, especially when compared to the larger military Frames, it nonetheless performs admirably against personnel and light vehicles.[2]



  1. Life on Caprice - The Gate World (2000) DP9-047 pg. 86
  2. Life on Caprice - The Gate World (2000) DP9-047 pg. 86