Dark Mamba

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The Southern Republic’s Black Mamba design was already a cutting edge machine, and it was only natural that it be incorporated in the Black Talon program. Despite numerous early problems with the powertrain and the new modularized systems - not to mention Republican officials, who were extremely leery of releasing the stealth technology of their Snakeye gear for adaptation - the current vehicle is an agile machine that should perform well. Much like the Warrior and Jaguar designs, the Mamba is not overly specialized and features improved performances across the board.

The one main difference with the other Dark-series Gear is in the inherent stealthiness of the design, which was made possible by the extensive research already done for the Snakeye program. The design’s low sensor signature makes it a particularly fiendish weapon to use under cover of darkness or cluttered terrain. The fragility of the outer armor cover greatly limit the combat options open to the pilot, but the vehicle’ given its strength, should essentially never be operating out in the open where it will be at a decided disadvantage. The Dark Mamba is a true hit-n-fade striker and should always be deployed in such a fashion.

Like all Talon machines, the Dark Mamba relies on weapon hardpoints and can carry a large variety of weapons. Most of the time, however, the machine is equipped with a powerful bazooka and rocket pod combination for high punch at short range.[1]

Service Record

The integration of a sniper system in the Dark Mamba’s fire control computer, coupled with the design’s incredible stealth characteristics, has made it the squad’s unofficial assassin vehicle. Though the system can be retrofitted to other Talon vehicles as needed (though at the cost of much efforts), only the Dark Mamba comes with it in the base configuration.[2]


  1. Black Talon - Mission to Caprice (2000) DP9-059 pg. 46
  2. Black Talon - Mission to Caprice (2000) DP9-059 pg. 46