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The Planet Caprice

Despite being a harsh, barely habitable planet, Caprice is nevertheless critical to any interstellar war. It is situated at the heart of the network of interstellar gates which connect Earth to all other inhabited worlds. Due it its location, the conquest of Caprice was a pre-requisite to all other CEF operations. Now that it is subjugated, the CEF uses it as a springboard and mustering ground.

Most of the planet has an atmosphere too thin to support life. A single region, the deep and massive canyon called the Cat’s Eye Trench, has enough atmosphere to sustain regular habitation. The trench is home to the vast majority of Capricians and is administered by corporations that trace back to the planet’s early colonization.

The unique geology of the habitable region has led to an emphasis on VTOL technologies in addition to the development of spiderlike combat vehicles called Mounts. These four to six-legged machines are known for their stability and maneuverability in rocky terrain. Most come with the ability to climb, which is very useful within the confines of the Cat’s Eye Trench or mountainous regions of Caprice. The forces of Caprice also deploy bipdeal Frames that are specced for urban use, but can also be fit for heavy combat.

Caprician military assets have been annexed as auxiliaries for the CEF invasion of Terra Nova, suffering horrific casualties according to early reports. The most recent request for contributions to a second wave for the invasion of Terra Nova has flared tensions among the Caprice population.

Caprician corporations are divided in their support for the CEF occupiers. Each lacks the individual resources to fight off the CEF, and alliance between the rival companies is untenable.

A resistance movement called the Liberati has opposed corporate rule on Caprice for some time. In light of the CEF occupation, some of the corporations have formed a loose alliance with their old foes, while others are establishing contacts with the Terranovan Black Talon operations.

The planet of Caprice is a key component to the CEF’s plans as it is the nearest planet to the interstellar gate that connects Earth to the colonies. But it’s a fragile situation as any organized aggression by Caprice would likely result in the majority of their population getting annihilated instantly. The threat of orbital bombardment and subsequent destruction of the Cat’s Eye Trench is what keeps Caprice subjugated by the CEF.



Caprice Arsenal