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An outgrowth of the classic Wild Ferret electronic warfare (EW) Gear that once served as the principal electronic warfare platform of Northern Gear formations, the Weasel is also indirectly responsible for the existence and success of the White Cat, a Cheetah EW variant developed as a stop gap during the development of the new Gear. Indeed, the Weasel was commissioned from a reborn Keimuri Gear (the Ferret designers) and was intended to replace the Wild Ferret. The development of the Gear lasted nearly 9 cycles, however, and it was often interrupted by long periods of shelving, caused either by Keimuri’s financial difficulties or technical problems.

The replacement of the unique leg and power train assembly of the Ferret family by a more standard Gear lower body caused many problems, especially in finding away to move with speed an agility that exceeded the Ferret. The United Mercantile Federation Army had also insisted that the Weasel retain a relatively low profile, not exceeding 4.3 meters in height. The cockpit set-up had to be adapted from the Ferret with a “lieback” position for the pilot which allowed for relatively long legs and a low height. While the power-train and chassis engineers delved into these problems, Keimuri’s electronics subcontractors had plenty of time to produce a top-notch ECM/ECCM pod for the new machine. Even during the delay in production the EW pod was sold to the military for use in the Hunter Commando EW refits.

A dedicated specialist Gear, the Weasel was designed to carry a very light weapons load. The M25 pack gun long used by the Ferret family was replaced by a more powerful M225 autocannon with an extended clip of 50 rounds. The only other weapons provided were a Mk IV anti-personnel grenade launcher, a vibroblade weapons and a single M-2A hand grenade. This light weapons load was made more paltry by the below-average targeting computer of the Weasel. Nevertheless, the Gear is very good at its assigned task, able to jam enemy transmissions while keeping friendly electronics clear as almost no other unit can do. A back-mounted satellite dish allows for long range communications for command, control and forward observation duties.


The Keimuri Weasel was expected to quickly become the standard electronic warfare Gear of the Northern armies, smoothly replacing the out-dated Wild Ferrets and ensuring the bright future of the newly reborn Keimuri. The lengthy production delays of the Gear opened the door, however, to competition from Keimuri’s Kenema rivals at Shaian Mechanics. Using the successful Cheetah chassis, Shaian fielded what was to be an interim electronic warfare specialist variant called the White Cat. Yet, as the Weasel was pushed further and further back, the White Cat system was refined and came to be appreciated as a real combat asset.

Featuring a weapons load heavier than the Weasel as well as increased speed, maneuverability and targeting capacities, the White Cat was only out performed in the amount of armor that protected the machine. The final blow came when, with the release of the Weasel ready for production in TN 1931, Keimuri was forced to liquidate half its production facilities and could only deliver a fraction of the military’s orders of Weasels. This not only burned some important bridges with the commanders dealing with Keimuri, but forced the corporation to sell the Gear at a premium making the White Cat — based on the mass-produced Cheetah chassis — the affordable alternative. The delays of the Weasel have allowed Shaian to get a serious grip on the EW market, even fielding such White Cat-derived Gears as the Silver Cat and White Cat EWH.

Keimuri’s solution to all these problems has been to sign a strategic alliance with Northco to share development costs and production facilities. This has made Shaian, which believed Keimuri to be down for the count, to sit up an take notice. Already the Tattletale variant of Weasel has been assembled at the Rapid City plants of the industrial giant and the next production run of Weasels will be done with Northco backing and on a Northco line — creating a highly competitive price-comparison with the White Cat. Once a larger number of cheaper Weasels hit the market the White Cat may find itself phased out of duty — something Shaian wishes to avoid at almost any costs. Bidding wars for military contracts to develop highly specialized Gears are now common place with Shaian seemingly trying to ruin their competitors.

