Dark Jaguar

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The high performance Jaguar was high on the list of combat vehicles earnmarked for service in the Black Talon. Over the cycles, the versatile Gear had become the symbol of progress in the Northern military forces, and the design performed spectacularly in most of the battles it has ever been engaged in. Most of the modifications incorporated technology from other Northern stealth designs, such as the Panther, to save time. Numerous secondary systems were adapted from the time-proven Hunter to ensure easy of repair in the field.

The result performed well above expectations. While a jack-of-all-trade, the Dark Jaguar still offer significant performances across the board. Like its mass-produced brothers, it is very mobile and features an above average sensor suite for a line unit. This can prove helpful in confined environments, or if no dedicated scout unit is available to the team.

Like the other Talon vehicles, the Dark Jaguar uses a collection of weapon hardpoints instead of built-in armament to facilitate repairs and upgrades in the field. Nevertheless, preferred weapon loads have been designed for each machine; the Jaguar became the close support unit, carrying a pair of high-yield rocket pods to supply quick burst of firepower to get the team out of any given predicament. The vehicle’s advanced fire control system does an excellent job of compensating for the rockets’ inherent low accuracy, making them a valued addition to the team’s arsenal.[1]

Service Record

The dark Jaguar is probably the closest to a standard soldier unit for the Black Talon program. The Jaguar’s high availability and proven track record have ported over to its commando version, which can fulfill several combat roles as required by the tactical situation.[2]


  1. Black Talon - Mission to Caprice (2000) DP9-059 pg. 44
  2. Black Talon - Mission to Caprice (2000) DP9-059 pg. 44