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The Grizzly heavy fire support Gear has been a mainstay of the Northern armies since its introduction in the TN 1870s.

The basic armament of the Grizzly is based on that of the older Bear, featuring a Riley M225 heavy autocannon supplemented by twin GH-8 rocket pods. The Grizzly also carries a TD-76 mortar unit, capable of lobbing guided high-explosive shells up to two kilometers. This long-range guided weaponry makes the Grizzly extremely dangerous when paired with a forward observing unit using a laser designator — such as a Cheetah or Ferret scout/recon Gears.

The Grizzly’s S-V2200Z engine performs well, but the Gear remains slow and lumbering compared to other units. To provide point defense, the Grizzly was equipped with a GU-10 gatling machinegun. The Grizzly is also usually deployed with lighter machines as defensive escorts. The standard tactical deployment remains in mixed companies, using squadrons of Grizzlies in secondary positions, with strike squadrons moving forward and including at least one forward observing unit to relay coordinates and laser targeting data to the Grizzlies.

The successful use of the Grizzly has led to the progressive decommissioning of the Bear. Lessons learned from the Grizzly became the basis for the Panda.


The Grizzly has proved its worth repeatedly over the sixty cycles of its existence. An expensive machine to produce, the Grizzly only slowly replaced the Bear. It first saw action in a Northern Guard campaign to suppress a particularly vicious Wounded Knee smuggling ring in the TN 1880s and was responsible for a stunning number of kills.

The Grizzly was also involved in a fair number of skirmishes with Southern MILICIA troops in the Badlands. The true test, however, was the War of the Alliance. Faced with the fast armor of Colonial Expeditionary Force hovertanks, the Grizzly proved effective in combat, especially when deployed with forward observing units to “tag” hovertanks with laser designators.

Since the war, the Grizzly has continued to serve with distinction across the Northern hemisphere. The TN 1920s saw an especially wide distribution of Grizzlies as the Northern Guard replaced most of its Bears with it.


  • Defender Grizzly
  • Rabid Grizzly
  • Polar Grizzly



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