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The latest design to be produced by Mandeers Heavy Industry and engineering experts out of Dynamic Systems, the Diamondback Gear is a culmination of two decades of development. After Dynamic Systems’ falling out with Territorial Arms in the late nineteenth century, the company approached Mandeers for capital to design the Diamondback, a heavy trooper model developed to compete against the Black Mamba Gear produced by Territorial Arms.

The collaboration between the two companies produced a unit that was comparable to the Black Adder, but with added features to help compete against the Black Mamba. Most of the safety features found on the Black Adder, such as emergency medical systems and reinforced cockpits, are found on the Diamondback, and Dynamic’s signature engineering, known for ease of use, is also included in the package.

The heavier armor normally found on Mandeers model Gears is also found on the Diamondback. In addition to its design profile as a heavy trooper Gear, the Diamondback features airdrop capability, making it a close rival to the Black Mamba in rapid insertions into deep enemy territory. With Mandeers actively campaigning to clients outside of the Southern Republic, the Diamondback was created to showcase an elite and attainable Gear for AST league members.


Since the Diamondback Gear was put into production in TN1938, the Gear has seen active use, principally in the Mekong Dominion. Veteran Peacekeeper regiments have refit nearly all of their strike cadres with the Diamondback instead of Territorial Arms produced Black Mambas. Backed with corporate funding, many Mekong-based MILICIA regiments acquired Diamondbacks during the early 1940s.

In addition to the MILICIA and Mekong Peacekeepers, the Eastern Sun Emirate’s exhausted retinues have been desperate to replace units lost in the violent civil wars that consumed the region for decades and Mandeers has marketed the Diamondback to the wealthy emirs looking to resupply their retinues.

The Diamondback’s superior performance is a lucrative selling point, and demand has far outstripped production at the Mandeers Atsi factory. The company is considering opening a second factory in Skavara, but pressure from the Mekong Dominion has curtailed the latest attempts to expand.
