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The Elan is a derivative vehicle of the Rover 12 jeep, a throwback to the late colonial days of Terra Nova. The Rover 12 had thinner tires and a less aerodynamic frame, obviously a vehicle which had not been designed for the rigors of the desert. This typical Earth design was abandoned when the Southern Republic decided it needed a true desert vehicle capable of sustaining damage and surviving the difficult Terranovan conditions. Several designs were proposed, but the Elan won the contest by a strong margin.

Its slick appearance was not the main reason for its success; rather, it was simply an extremely versatile vehicle, with great potential for variants and capable of handling almost any terrain. The vehicle was developed by Octopus Motorworks and first fitted with a small fuel engine which was later replaced by the standard four-wheel electric motors. Octopus Motorworks was later absorbed into Republican Heavy Industries. The Elan design yielded substantial amounts in royalties before a drop in sales forced RHI to start production of a civilian model (named Elegant). This high-price classy black vehicle earned the award for Hottest Car two cycles in a row (TN 1805 and 1806) and became a classis that is still used to this day.

Built on a light alloy frame and powered by four independent motors, the military version of the Elan can take a beating and keep on going. The vehicle can seat one driver plus four passengers comfortably. Although the Elan has no dedicated sensor system, a built-in low-power radio was incorporated to make it viable as a scouting and reconnaissance vehicle. It is often updated by military technicians using better comm systems salvaged from wrecked Gears.

One of the inherent drawbacks of the Elan is its low cargo or troop capacity, limiting its use to rapid transport of VIP or light equipment. It is occasionally armored and equipped with light weaponry, especially in the Badlands, where it is used to patrol regions where Rovers may cause some damage. Most infantry regiments make extensive use of the Elan to carry some medical equipment or wounded personnel to mobile hospitals.


The first three generations of Elans lasted for decades before rust and abuse forced the Republican Army to retire them. The next generations were built to last somewhat longer, but the St. Vincent’s War occured and destroyed most of them. The vehicle was further modified during the 19th century and participated to all of the conflicts against the belligerent North which plagued that century. Again, a great number of Elans did not survive the wars and were either retired or recycled for spare parts.

When the civilian model came out, it was used in split recruitment posters showing on one side a young fop standing in front of the civilian Elan and on the other side a responsible-looking all-Republican soldier at the command of his Elan. The recruitment campaign was a success; young men and women looking for a purpose in life enrolled in the Southern Republican Army and became true patriots. The Elan has another claim to fame: it is the oldest vehicle still being produced on Terra Nova. While there are no more first-generation Elans in existence, there exists six second-gen models that are on display in the Republican Museum of Terranovan Military History. They are no longer functional, but have otherwise been remarkably maintained — they are now over two hundred cycles old.