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The Eagle Trooper Gear was the first of the new Claw Series Gears, built exclusively for the Talon Program to fulfil their unique needs. Based primarily off of the prototype Warrior Elite from Paxton’s Skunkworks program that would become Lt. Kage’s Dark Warrior, the Eagle Trooper incorporates numerous advances, including a miniaturized automation system similar to those found on tanks, allowing the gear to act as if two or more pilots were onboard.

Additionally, maneuvering thrusters were included to ensure the gear could properly perform boarding actions. While these thrusters are not suitable for space combat, they do allow limited atmospheric jumps when combined with the Gear’s natural motive systems. As the standard trooper of the Claw Series Gears, the Eagle is given a decent selection of weaponry, but is normally armed with either a HGLC or a combination Heavy Autocannon/Light Grenade Launcher combination rifle.[1]


  1. Black Talon - Return to Cat's Eye (2009) DP9-9034 pg. 52