HT-72 Hovertank

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The HT-72 is in the process of replacing the HT-68 in the ranks of the Colonial Expeditionary Force. During the Terranovan campaign, the 8th Fleet fielded a few of these vehicles in very limited numbers for field-testing. Although using the same basic technology as the HT-68, the HT-72 is strikingly different both visually and in terms of engineering. The hull is more compact and streamlined while the turret is longer and thinner.

The HT-72 is a much more advanced combat vehicle than the older HT-68 model, the entire fleet of which was produced back on Earth. The HT-72’s turbines are more powerful, allowing the vehicle to lift additional armor mass, make better controlled jumps and attain higher speeds overall. The exhaust is distributed through six main articulated vents located around the lower hull. The HT-72 suffers the same problems as its predecessor however, although not to the same degree. It also has smaller airflow controllers that make it even more dependent on precise computer control at high speeds.

The HT-72 is based around the same type of armament layout as its older sibling although with minor improvements. The turret-mounted particle accelerator remains the primary offensive weapon, capable of disabling targets by impact or electrical surges generated by the charged particle stream. The missile racks are now internal to the turret and open up only briefly for vertical launch.[1]


The Colonial Expeditionary Force is in the slow process of phasing out its older HT-68 models and replacing them with the HT-72. Unfortunately production rates have been abysmal due to acts of industrial espionage, sabotage, terrorist action and a quagmire of other security and quality control concerns on Caprice.

So far only the 3rd Fleet has completely upgraded to the HT-72 and the 8th Fleet is still years away from completion of rebuilding their armored forces.[2]



  1. Colonial Expeditionary Force - Modern Conquerors (2001) DP9-065 pg. 98
  2. Colonial Expeditionary Force - Modern Conquerors (2001) DP9-065 pg. 98
  3. Technical Manual, Second Edition (1998) DP9-104 pg. 57
