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The Titan is probably the best-known Southern attack helicopter. In addition to its deadly ordinance, the Titan can also double as a light troop carrier, since it can carry an eight man infantry squad. This gives the helicopter the ability to secure terrain objectives, a task few other choppers can accomplish. A crew of two (pilot and weapon specialist) is required to properly operate the Titan, though it can be flown by a single crewman.

Most of the Titan’s offensive hardware is mounted on fixed hardpoints on either side of the fuselage and generally consists of a mix of rocket pods and air-to-ground missiles; a mast-mounted laser designator is used to guide the missiles to their target, though the fire control computer can also use any friendly target designator.

Although the unsophisticated wing hardpoints greatly limit the Titan’s effective fire arc, the helicopter can still prove devastating in the hands of a skilled pilot. In addition to the wing-mounted ordinance, a chin-mounted mini-turret carries a 20 mm autocannon that is belt-fed from a large 2400-shell magazine located in the craft’s main body.


Titans can be found in the armed forces of most of the Allied Southern Territories’ member-leagues and their client-states. Presently, the Southern Republic and the Mekong Dominion are the greatest users of the aircraft. In the Dominion, Titan crew are sometimes assigned to squads of Peacekeepers for rapid deployment.
