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The futuristic-looking Ghost is, paradoxically, an old stealth aircraft design used by the forces of the Allied Southern Territories.

The Ghost was first developped by scientists of the Humanist Alliance,who were looking to provide their league with the means to keep a watchful eye on their neightbors. When the Southern Republic “persuaded” the Alliance to join the newly formed AST, they conspired to get their hands on the plane that had so often annoyed them in the past.

The Ghost hides conventional aircraft design procedures under a complex composite skin. Rather thanrely on classical flat angled panels to deflect radar waves, the Alliance scientists chose to sculpt theairframe to a form which was stealthy, aerodynamic and pleasing to the eye. The engine intakes andthe wings flow into the fuselage. There are no vertical control surfaces and turns are made throughvectored thrust. Unfortunately, the composite skin, although very efficient in absorbing radar andladar emissions, is somewhat fragile and easy to damage. Like most stealthy aircraft, the Ghostcarries its armament internally. The Ghost is generally equipped with two anti-aircraft missiles forself-defense, though it could be modified to carry air-to-ground projectiles.