Chasseur MK2

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Co-developed alongside the MK I, the MK II included most items on the R&D teams’ wishlist. The prototypes were incredibly sophisticated, making significant leaps in Gear architecture, but the military review board froze it in light of the taxing production and maintenance requirements. Salvaging the allied team’s work, Royz Malkolm, NuCoal founder, suggested Neal Motorwerks engineers develop the production model.

The three design teams worked within the manufacturing capabilities of NuCoal. While many of the sophisticated designs of the MK II could be produced in the Humanist Alliance, the cost and supply line issues curtailed the complex modules from being produced. By the mid forties, many technological production hurdles were met and the time elapsed saw the NuCoal production facilities naturally upgraded with income from the post Interpolar War boom: the MK II had become a feasible design.

The final model had some revolutionary design features that crossed over into all of the Gallic series designs. Modular parts integration came out of the Mark II development, which allowed the sharing of many critical components common to all Gallic series designs. The caveats to the MK II are its fire control and hover systems, which require precise callibration only achievable in field conditions by Isaac-class GRELs or HAPF technicians. Luckily for SDF regiments, many of the Jannite GRELs working with the military are Issac class.

With the complexities of the system, the Mark II has been relegated to highly specialized roles, or for units regularly engaged in high risk missions.[1]


Released a cycle after the MK I, The MK II has seen limited distribution due to the complexities of manufacturing and maintenance, but units that have received the Gear have been extremely satisfied by its performance. Gear cadres using the MK II have shown amazing results against CEF forces in the Pacifica campaigns. The most notable use of the MK II occurred during the Barrington campaign of the second CEF invasion. Colonel Arthur’s Wolf Brigade was outfitted with a large number of MK II’s after requisitioning them directly from Fort Neil’s factories.

They were deployed so hastily, that none of them received any paint beyond the red ochre primer. When the force invaded Port Arthur to retake it from the CEF, captured Earth combat officers noted they hated the red machines as they were so difficult to destroy and so effective in their aggressive flanking maneuvers to which the GRELs and FLAIL forces had trouble adapting. After the successful recapture of Port Arthur, the pilots of the red ochre Mark II’s decided to preserve at least some part of their machines in the original factory primer as a mark of pride in their accomplishments that day.[2]


  1. Perfect Storm - NuCoal Field Guide (2012) DP9-9191 pg. 42
  2. Perfect Storm - NuCoal Field Guide (2012) DP9-9191 pg. 42
