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Genetically Recombined Experimental Legionaries (GRELs) were the Earth forces' shock troops. Artificial humans, designed in gene labs and force-grown in tanks, they formed the vanguard of the invasion. All individuals within a particular GREL class are physically identical and have the same basic personalities and abilities, although environmental factors lead to a certain amount of differentiation. GRELs are sterile and were treated as little more than flesh and blood robots by their human officers.

There are a lot of rumors and myths about the fabled Jezebel-class GREL: A supposed GREL that specializes in infiltration and seduction. The CEF, nor the Caprice labs that made the GREL sent to Terra Nova, have never produced a standard GREL of that classification (until the advent of the Set-class SLEDGE, and the SLEDGE program is unknown to anyone on Terra Nova).

GREL Classes

Jan-class GREL

Deadly warriors in their own right, Jan-class GRELs carry hypno-programming to make them ideal battlefield leaders. Jans have perhaps suffered the most from the abandonment on Terra Nova, however. Trained to believe in their own superiority, they feel betrayed by the CEF and many have turned to hatred of humans. Displaying an unfortunate trend toward megalomania, Jans have become the trouble makers among the GRELs. Many still obey orders, but most feel they know best.

Minerva-class GREL

Minervas are GREL pilots and drivers. During the war of the Alliance, Terranovan soldiers facing hovertanks saw Minervas as the best of the best, superior pilots capable of anything on the battlefield. In fact, although skilled, they benefited from technological advantages and from unshakable moral more than anything else. By the end of the war, the Terranovan defenders had learned to deal with the skills of the Minervas and hovertanks became viable targets than invincible units.

Mordred-class GREL

Mordred-class shocktroopers were the bane of Terranovan foot soldiers. These huge warriors carried deadly weapons and were almost unstoppable by normal means. Bred for strength and loyalty, Mordreds are not terribly intelligent, but they have completely unshakable moral due to hypno-programming designed to keep them going under heavy fire. This has not served them well in peacetime, where they have a hard time dealing with inactivity. Unfortunately, they have almost no personal initiative, so must receive order to accomplish remotely complex task.

Morgana-class GREL

Morganas were the most feared of GRELs during the War. The CEF regularly sent deadly commandos on strike missions against enemy positions. Terranovan soldiers saw Morgana almost as mythological grim reapers, calling them "death dealers" and "vat killers." To face Morgana as survive became a badge of honor. In the postwar period, Morganas still long for the rush of combat and many seek out any excuse to resume the "hunt," becoming mercenaries and bodyguards across the Badlands.[1]

Class Purpose Sex % of total
Isaac Male 5%
• A-Type Field Technician
• B-Type Combat Engineer
• C-Type Technical Intelligence Analyst
Isabella Female 5%
• A-Type Combat Medic
• B-Type Medical Surgeon
• C-Type Biomedical Specialist
Jan Male 5%
• A-Type Infantry Specialist
• B-Type Armor Specialist
• C-Type Navel Specialist
Kassandra Female 5%
• A-Type Field Electronics Specialist
• B-Type Aerospace Systems Operator
• C-Type Signals Intelligence Analyst
Maxwell Male 15%
• A-Type Field Gunner
• B-Type Aerospace Gunner
• C-Type Navel Gunner
Minerva Female 15%
• A-Type Planetary Pilot
• B-Type Aerospace Pilot
• C-Type Frame Pilot
Mordred Male 35%
• A-Type Shocktrooper
• B-Type Airborne Infantry
• C-Type Space Infantry
Morgana Female 15%
• A-Type Reconnaissance
• B-Type Commando
• C-Type Sniper



  1. Life on Terra Nova, p. 151 and 152