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Developed by NorthCo and Keimuri in TN1744, the first production model Wildcat was introduced to the UMFA three cycles later in TN1747. The Wildcat performed relatively well with the Bobcat in the field, and for the most part the Wildcat was utilized to protect the more expensive reconnaissance Gear.

The Wildcat saw service throughout the next two centuries as a solidly built, general purpose, light trooper, but never gained wide the popular adoption that NorthCo had hoped. The old model Wildcats were retired after the War of the Alliance with most of the units being sold to secondary markets like the WFPA and Badland’s communities, but in the post Inter-Polar War refit era, many of the mothballed Gears were brought back into service with low cost upgrades.

The refit kits were mostly produced in Kenema, by Keimuri Gear corporation, and the refit kits reflected the design performance of the original high performance Fennec, from which the Wildcat originated. The Wildcat has proven popular as an inexpensive alternative with the new upgrades and Keimuri Gear corporation has purchased the manufacturing rights from NorthCo and has begun producing the Gear out of their Fort Henry factory.

In TN1942, Neil Motor Works also entered into an agreement with Keimuri to manufacture Wildcat Gears and replacement components for sale in the NuCoal region.
