Dark Cobra

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The Dark Cobra has been created to fulfill the task of long range fire support in Talon combat squads. Its strong frame is capable of carrying multiple ballistic and missile systems, and while it is slightly slower than the other machines, its heavy armor will keep it safe during engagements. The armor means that the machine can also be used as a brawler, but its poor agility makes it a dangerous practice to engage in.

Much of the Gear’s systems and general design approach comes from the Hooded Cobra design, which pioneered the use of the light laser cannon on an assault-class Gear. The lesson learned in the construction of that design were put to good use in the creation of the Dark Cobra, which suffered from far less development flaws than its older brethren.

The rapid development of the design can also be explained by the fact that it is a relatively low technology vehicle among high tech wonders. The Dark Cobra’s sensor and communication suite is only of average quality, since it was expected that other machines would take care of the scouting and forward observing duties (it is highly unlikely that a Talon team would be composed only of Cobras). Likewise, except for the EM-absorbing ablative skin of the hull, most of the inner mechanisms and armor plate configurations remain unchanged from the basic vehicle.[1]

Service Record

The Dark Cobra is found in few Talon teams, since many commanders have deemed it too heavy and over specialized for their needs. While the vehicle is indeed somewhat less mobile than the other Talon vehicles, it has performed admirably so far, its pilots using both the heavy armor and the long range weapons to pull victory from what seemed at first to be impossible odds.[2]


  1. Black Talon - Mission to Caprice (2000) DP9-059 pg. 48
  2. Black Talon - Mission to Caprice (2000) DP9-059 pg. 48