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FLAILs (Front-Line Augmented Infantry Legionnaires) are a more recent development for the CEF. They were cocreated with cybernetics experts on Caprice and their creation also led to cybernetic devices such as the Advanced Interface Networks (AIN), which is now used by some frame pilots, human and GREL alike. At their core, they are little more than brains in a jar, which leads many to ask the question; Why do they convert GREL into FLAIL instead of just growing the FLAIL brain in a vat like they do GREL? The answer to that may be due to the newer nature of the technology.

The CEF initiated plans to replace all GRELs with FLAILs. However, field testing FLAILs in hovertanks and frames did not demonstrate any remarkable benefits above GRELs in these applications. They are however extremely well suited to being exceptional infantry.

There are three classes of FLAIL, the Jan leader class, the Morgana commando class and the Mordred infantry class. As with the GREL, the Jan and Mordred are male, and the Morgana are female. However, there is no way of visually distinguishing them as they all have the same, or similar cyborg chassis.