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The Walfish is a large STOL transport vehicle used to ferry troops, Gears and material out to the front line.

The aircraft has been part of the Southern Republic’s inventory for nearly 100 cycles and has been upgraded on numerous occasions. The current models are known as Walfish Mk 45.

The Walfish is a massive aircraft, its large fuselage and engine pods dwarfing the short and stubbywings. Each of the engine pod contains twin jet engines, for a total of eight. The plane only requires about half of these to remain airborne, which make it very resilient to engine damage. The thrust ofthe engines is channeled through louvres placed on the lower portion of the pods. Coupled with the flaps and hyper-sustentation devices build into the wings, this give the plane the ability to take off and land on extremely short runways.

In addition, the landing gear is extremely rugged and capable of handling even slightly uneven ground. There are two large loading ramps to facilitate the loading and unloading process, one at the front and one at the rear of the main fuselage.

The two-man cockpit is located directly above the forward loading ramp and features large windows for improved visibility.