New Coalition

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The New Coalition is the youngest power on Terra Nova. As a decentralized collection of Badlands city-states, NuCoal is an economic and military alliance of small cities and settlements with Port Arthur at its heart.

NuCoal is comprised of numerous Badland communities united by shared interests in maintaining a common front against the excesses of the polar powers, the machinations of Peace River, and the ever-present dangers of the Badlands itself.

Major City-states of NuCoal

Port Arthur

Port Arthur is a name that conjures strong emotions in most Terra Novans. Its military arm, the Port Arthur Korps (PAK), started from tens of thousands of ex-CEF members that were left behind by the CEF after their first failed invasion. Very notable among this is the thousands upon thousands of GREL super soldiers. The sight of these GREL still make many on Terra Nova grimace as they remember the horrors of fighting against them.

Opting to embrace the situation thrust upon him as ranking officer in the wake of defeat, Colonel Arthur seized control of the chaotic encampment after the polar powers had left the abandoned forces to their fate. Through careful (and not always peaceful) means, Colonel Arthur brought order to the region and forged PAK into an up-and-coming Badland’s force. As a large military power, it bartered protection and technology to its neighbors and offered refuge to the displaced. This fueled a cycle of growth, turning what had been a small forward operating base into a desert metropolis within a few generations.

Temple Heights

Temple Heights is a settlement which lies atop of a crescent moon shaped mesa surrounded by fertile lands renowned for growing original Earth produce. The hillsides have countless stoneheads and structures carved among them, their origins lost to history. Temple Heights was initially opposed to the idea of aligning with NuCoal. However, being reinforced by the NSDF’s military has improved overall security, which in turn has dramatically expanded tourism and trade for the settlement.

Temple Heights is home to several religious faiths. Prophets from all walks have set up here and the pious from almost every conceivable stripe on Terra Nova eventually find a reason to make the pilgrimage to this Badland’s settlement. Many archeologists and historians go there to study their ancient ruins and the confounding nature of the stoneheads. Groups of the mysterious En Koreshi desert people can be periodically seen travelling through the settlement at times.

In more recent times, it has become home to the Perfect Form movement, which has attracted many GREL adherents searching for the means to grow beyond their origins. While the Perfect Form was originally based off Buddhist martial studies and espouses peace and unity, many of the more fanatical dojos lecture their followers on the coming days where they will rise against Port Arthur to rid the planet of what they see as the pinnacle of evil: the servitude of GRELs as a lesser caste. Many of the more fanatical adherents even act as informants and agents for Peace River’s intelligence services.

Humanist Alliance

Originally, the Humanist Alliance (HA) was founded in the South. They were initially an independent league but were eventually subjugated by the Allied Southern Territories (AST). Their scientific prowess and sophisticated organization proved them to be a match for anything until the Jager Heavy Gear was introduced. Faced with a foe that then had technological advantages that were used with ferocious effectiveness, the Humanist accepted their fate as a vassal league within the AST, albeit this was only for a time. The Humanists plotted to separate from the other southern leagues starting the very day they became part of them almost 300 years ago. Their plan was formalized into Operation Long Night.

Port Arthur developed a uniquely close relationship with the Alliance about 20 years ago. The Humanists covertly sought Colonel Arthur’s aid to gain sovereignty from the AST. The Colonel was all too happy to seize the opportunity and assist with their goals in order to gain access to intelligence on the AST, and Humanist technology. Emboldened by the secret alliance with Port Arthur, the Humanists secretly launched a plot to break free of Republican subjugation.

Unfortunately for the Alliance, Southern Republic spies obtained information about the plan. The Republic acted first and unleashed a tailormade biological agent which nearly obliterated the preceptor class at the outset of the Interpolar War. This was followed by a Southern invasion force that moved into the Humanist cities to establish dominance under the false guise of humanitarian relief. However, using their new allies established with Port Arthur, the Humanists secretly set up evacuation lines for critical personnel and equipment, eventually moving nearly three million refugees (less than 8% of the Humanist nation) into the New Coalition. By the time the Southern Republic Army (SRA) rolled into the Humanist cities, the majority of the surviving preceptor and protector castes had evacuated, leaving mostly commoners to be re-subjugated by the AST.

Those that had fled to NuCoal rebuilt their lives on reservations set up for them by NuCoal. The utopian experiment where the people were divided into three classes continued on. Preceptors continued to be sourced from scientists and philosophers, tasked with leading and guiding others. They are seen as taking a parental role within the structure of Humanist society. Protectors continued to form the military and police of the Alliance, though their role is more commonly seen as elder siblings amongst the Humanists. They are expected to act as examples to others. The Humanist Alliance Protection Force (HAPF) is the military force of the Humanist Alliance, redeveloped within NuCoal.

Commoners would normally form the bulk of society within the Alliance. Anything not involving combat and weapons training, advanced scientific research, or the management of society is done by commoners. They are often seen as something akin to children within the Humanist hierarchy. However, the majority of the original Humanist commoners were mostly left behind. Only a small portion of them made it to NuCoal with their preceptors and protectors as they fled during their mass exodos to NuCoal. As time marched on, some citizens of NuCoal and even the Badlands were attracted to the idea of a utopian society. The Alliance was able to slowly rebuild its commoner caste and even found additions for their preceptor and protector castes.

The Humanist society now spans the borders of both NuCoal and the South. The Humanists in NuCoal are referred to as the Humanist Alliance while the Humanist still under the AST are referred to as the Free Humanist Alliance. The notorious Department of Health and Morality (DHM) within the Free Humanist Alliance was also reinstituted within the Humanist Alliance to “maintain control of their own constituents”.

Khayr ad-Din

Located along the strategic Gamma Maglev line, Khayr ad-Din is renowned as a hub of crime, vice, and some of the most extravagant wealth literally heaped upon the direst poverty on all of Terra Nova. But above all, the city is known for its gear dueling arenas.

Carefully developed over many cycles by the criminal mastermind Saddick “the Spider” Jahmoon, and removed from the interference of the polar powers, Khayr ad-Din provides a unique opportunity for dueling of all sorts. Eager to earn fame and stardom, the city attracts the best dueling talent from across the planet for matches, which are televised around the globe. To defend its independence and protect the gamma-maglev lines during the Interpolar War, the Spider formed the Khayr ad-Din Army (KADA), an ad-hoc military force led by some of the most elite and fearsome duelists alive.

Joining NuCoal resulted in access to Prince Gable’s sports networks, adding a slew of other events to involve themselves in, such as gear touring rallies. Because of this, Khayr ad-Din has seen a burst of development in its most recent cycles.


Nucoal Arsenal
