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Developed for the Southern Republic Army by Territorial Arms in the late nineteenth century, the Chasseur failed to meet the stringent demands for the SRA’s procurement office. The Achilles heel of the first Terra Novan Gear designed with a hover movement system was its fuel economy; the engine burned through fuel at a rate four times faster than the Jäger. Undaunted by the rejection, an ambitious marketing director, Edouard Autel, proposed selling the design to another company.

Once the design had been purchased by Nineveh, he would be promoted to vice president of marketing, and would later be instrumental in the sale of the Asp Gear to Southern city-states.

Most early Chasseurs were upgraded Jägers, locally manufactured for the Nineveh military. Both city-states each had a Gear company of the original design, which served them tolerably well for almost four decades. During the War of the Alliance, the rare Chasseur was admired by CEF forces and afterwards would inspire the CEF Frames. The early Chasseurs succeeded in Nineveh due to easy access to fuel and limited operation zones. The high fuel consumption was negligible for the city-state militaries since both operated large oil production and refinery operations and limited their action to small scale skirmishes that occurred between Erech and Nineveh themselves.

The most ubiquitous design used by NuCoal, PAK, and the HAPF has overcome the design flaws that Territorial Arms could never resolve through the combined efforts of the engineers and scientists of all three forces. Although the Chasseur may still resemble the Jäger, generations of refinement has given rise to a wholly new design which is manufactured entirely within facilities across the Barrington Basin and in the Humanist Alliance.[1]


As the primary trooper Gear in production for NuCoal and PAK, the Chasseur Mark I is the most ubiquitously fielded Gear. The Gear is quickly gaining popularity as the primary trooper Gear in HAPF as well. The ability of the Gear to maintain speed with the force's hover vehicles makes the Chasseur MK I a versatile unit.

The interchangeability of the parts with existing Jägers used by the forces is an additional plus for all three armies. At the time of the second CEF invasion, roughly three quarters of the Humanist forces had replaced the Jäger with the Chasseur MK I in their line Gear cadres. The shift to the Chasseur has been a key to early successes of HAPF forces in the Pacifica campaign as the forces have been able to match the mobility of invading CEF forces.[2]


  • Chasseur Paratrooper


  1. Perfect Storm - NuCoal Field Guide (2012) DP9-9191 pg. 40
  2. Perfect Storm - NuCoal Field Guide (2012) DP9-9191 pg. 40
