Dark Cheetah

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The swift Cheetah scout Gear was selected to perform the reconnaissance tasks of the mission. Its extensive sensor array and built-in electronic warfare suite make it well suited for this role. It will serve as the eyes and ears of the team once on the ground, but can also serve as a light skirmisher if it comes down to it. The basic Cheetah frame was substantially modified to incorporate additional armor and stealth equipment, but did not lose speed or agility. This can quickly change if too many weapon systems are loaded on the frame, so care must be chosen to ensure only critical devices are carried.

The overall speed of the vehicle match those of the Cheetah Mk2, though the amount of armor carried does not. The designers went for the “tried and battle tested” approach and used the proven CHAT/8 comm system and sensor array of the standard Cheetah rather than risk development problems with a more advanced system.

Like the other vehicles in the Dark-series, the Cheetah is equipped with a life support system. Such equipment has been made necessary by the unknown conditions the Talons will have to face during their missions. The life support system will also prove useful during operations on the surface of Caprice, where oxygen breathing apparatus is required due to the low ambient atmospheric pressure.[1]

Service Record

The Dark Cheetah is being used mostly as the team’s eyes and hears, using its superior maneuverability and speed to make its way deep in enemy territory. It is the preferred vehicle for Talon teams that privilege a stealthy approach to their missions, and has proven to be widely popular assignment. More than once, a Dark Cheetah has used its all-terrain capabilities to lurk beneath cover with its Sensor Boom extended like a periscope, waiting for just the right moment to signal the rest of the Black Talons to initiate their surprise attack.[2]


  1. Black Talon - Mission to Caprice (2000) DP9-059 pg. 40
  2. Black Talon - Mission to Caprice (2000) DP9-059 pg. 40