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A collaboration between Keimuri and Northco, the Tattletale uses the Weasel chassis to combine its EW equipment with a more powerful communications and sensor array. A primary XLR-80 wide band long range radio with built in crypto backed up with a Werner Multicron-30SiG provides reliable communications up to 30 kilometers away under battlefield conditions. With proper atmospheric conditions, it is able to communicate to the opposite side of the planet. The sensor package combines the Intel-7 Extra-wide Angle Camera Pod on one arm with various head mounted laser sensors to provide accurate target recognition and ranging information to direct fires. Defensive weapons mirror the Weasel's, although replacing the autocannon with a 60mm frag cannon is popular due to the shorter barrel.[1]


Advertised as part of a command unit, the Tattletale is often used as a communications specialist supporting a command gear such as a Headhunter and a Weasel of White Cat EW gear. Alongside two bodyguard gears, this command squadron is able to coordinate the orders of a Gear company and interface with regimental or brigade command.[2]




  1. Northern Vehicles Compendium 1: Gears & Striders (1996) DP9-025 pg. 147
  2. ibid.

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See also