Support Cobra

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One of the great advantages of the hovertanks employed by the Colonial Expeditionary Force during their failed invasion of Terra Nova was the vehicles’ great speed, which allowed them to zero in on lumbering heavy artillery positions long before these batteries could use their deadly firepower. Mobile artillery became a critical necessity during the war and Territorial Arms designed the Support Cobra (also known as the 'Bushmaster' variant) to answer just this need.

Able to maintain the typical mobility of the Spitting Cobra, the Support proved to be a very efficient solution because it could move between shots regardless of the battlefield conditions. The usual armament of the Spitting Cobra was replaced by one more suited to long-range support.

The Gear's main firepower comes from a backpack-mounted LTV-28 56 mm field gun, a weapon with both a high adaptability and a powerful punch for its reduced size. A drum-fed, arm-mounted 45 mm Junglemower-10 heavy autocannon has proven to be highly effective against both armored units and enemy infantry, and the Spit's torso-mounted, rapid-firing MGU-77 minigun was left in place for point-defense.


During the War of the Alliance, Support Cobras typically operated in small bands that included one or more spotting units, usually an Iguana or Basilisk, but sometimes a light jeep. These cadres wandered the battlefield, always staying hidden behind hard cover and lobbing their shells on the attacking Earth forces. When an overconfident hunter-killer hovertank or GREL unit found them, the Support Cobras could usually easily defend themselves with their Junglemower autocannons.

Although the Support proved to be very effective during the War of the Alliance, the continued usefulness of such a machine is controversial. Some of them are still in service, but they have not seen action for a very long time. They are very costly to operate and maintain because they have many fragile systems and eat ammo at an amazing speed. One stopgap measure has been to replace the expensive (and ammunition hungry) Junglemower model autocannon with the standard Spitting Cobra MR60 model.
