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The Bazaar City

Sheltered in a semi-tropical microclimate on the slopes of the Pacifica mountain range lies the city-state of Bangweuleu. The city is divided between two emirs, both of whom have been made extremely wealthy by the city’s mines and textiles mills. Unlike most other emirs, however, the rulers of Bangweuleu are rather progressive and have invested much of their wealth back into the town instead of investing it abroad. These investments have helped Bangweuleu’s economy thrive and given its citizens a relatively good standard of living, even by non-ESE standards.

The core of Bangweuleu’s economy is its huge canopied bazaar. Almost any product produced on Terra Nova can be found in this openair marketplace. The bazaar long served as a cover for many illegal activities, including smuggling Northern goods from Kossuth and Sesshu, and selling black market weapons to Basalite rebels. The emirs of the city tolerated this because they sympathized with the rebels and now that they too have rebelled continue to do so.

Bangweuleu is also the Southern center of the Revisionist Church. This gives the residents of the city an odd sense of kinship with the North. It should be noted, however, that Bangweuleuan Revisionists are allied to the First Follower’s Massadan pacifist sect and not to the Second Follower’s Sorrento reactionary sect.