Southern Republic

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The dominant political and military power in the South is unquestionably the Southern Republic. Terra Nova’s most populous league, the Republic was built on a wave of conquest that lasted over 200 cycles, from the dark days of Reconstruction all the way to the Southern War of 1670. During this period the Republic reached its current borders by conquering 12 city-states and then moved on to dominating the neighboring leagues. The Allied Southern Territories are in fact nothing more than a convenient structure for Republican control.

Military power is the key to Republican dominance, but the league is not a military dictatorship. Instead, the upper echelons of both the military and civilian bureaucracies share power. The population participates in elections, but the real decisions are made long before ballots are cast. Average Republicans accept this lack of political say in exchange for prosperity and freedom in their private lives. As long as the state provides a high standard of living, continues to show itself as grandiose, and does not legislate private choices, most Republicans gladly allow themselves to be ruled. Propaganda and education reinforce this social contract and a huge internal security apparatus enforces it.

Northerners see the Republic as a land of total oppression, but citizens call it a nation of true freedom. Republicans live in incredibly diverse conditions and are free to explore all kinds of lifestyles without attracting either legal problems or the scorn of their neighbors. Rural farmers, sophisticated Oasians and bold Ashantites all accept each other. Of course, the line between private matters and matters of state security is thin and nebulous. An artist whose bold work is a critique of the state can be paid a visit by the authorities.

The organization charged with protecting Republican security and supremacy is the Southern Republic Intelligence Directorate. SRID is responsible for most extra-territorial espionage, internal counter-espionage and also serves as the national police. SRID Director Justinian Salazar is generally considered one of the most powerful men in the hemisphere. Even more shadowy than SRID, however, are Les Témoins (literally, the Witnesses). Acting as state secret police, Les Témoins have agents and associates operating secretly throughout the Republic. They report to the local police and SRID, providing evidence and background information. Few people are privy to the identities of Témoins, not even SRID.

Culture of Honor

The strongest cultural bond between Republicans is their sense of honor. Public image and respect are very important for citizens at all levels and this mutual understanding does more to keep the league unified than traditional propaganda or state terror. Soldiers follow orders and citizens respect each other’s privacy because of the stigma of not doing so. Republican honor is as much about image as morality, however. Careers and lives can be destroyed by rumor and innuendo, but the victims of such character assassination often seek retribution in duels or counter-offensives — if they can find the guilty parties.

The ultimate paragon of this brand of honor is the Republican Army. Dressed in bold burgundy uniforms, the soldiers of the Republic are held to a high standard of behavior and (for citizens) serve as icons of all that is good in the league. For foreigners, on the other hand, the army is the military fist that risks to come and crush them.

Notable Locations