Stripped-Down Jager

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The Southern Republic quickly adopted the Heavy Gear as a useful tool of war, but lagged behind the Northern leagues for several cycles before it started developing its own concepts and designs. The Jäger Recon (AKA the 'Stripped-down' Jager) is an almost straight adaptation of the lightened Hunter Heavy Gear that was fielded as a makeshift reconnaissance vehicle by the Northern armies. The Recon variant transformed the standard Jäger soldier chassis into a scouting and light assault unit by removing most of the arm and leg armor plates and replacing them with lightweight ballistic cloth.

The reduced mass did help to get more speed out of the various actuators, but not much. The frame of the Jäger was designed for a certain optimum speed and range of movement, and no reduction in armor can push the design past its limits. Despite the loss of armor protection, the Recon moves only about 5 kph faster than other Jägers. It was, however, much cheaper to build because it carried less armor and a single weapon. While few units and pilots relish the dubious performance of the Jäger Recon, many highranking officials in the AST appreciate the savings.

In recent years, the MILICIA has followed the Northern initiative and has started to equip their remaining Recons with heavier 30 mm autocannons, most often the reliable PR-25 normally carried by the Black Mamba. A pair of panzerfausts are carried in clip-mounts on either side of the hip assembly, taking advantage of the existing Jäger hardpoints (though some technicians prefer to store the self-propelled grenades on the back plates, using a slightly different type of mount). Both the new autocannon and panzerfausts augment the effective offensive capabilities of the vehicle, though it is still not intended for front line combat.

Almost all Jäger Recons were phased out to second line units and militia troops when newer models such as the Anolis and Iguanas entered service. Unlike their Northern cousins, however, Southern Recons were not all removed from active service. Many were re-equipped with their arm and leg armor plating and issued to the MILICIA as basic Jäger trooper vehicles.
