Dynamic Systems

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Founded in TN 1794 by a group of individuals concerned by the South’s lag behind the North in the field of Gear design and use, Dynamic Systems was, during the early stages of its existence, operating as a think tank, identifying new roles and ways of using Heavy Gears in both civilian and military applications. Much of Southern Gear military doctrine is based on work originally done by Dynamic Systems. Eventually, Dynamic Systems began looking at ways to improve the Gear itself, leading to the establishment of a research and development section.

The company began to set standards for the performance of Gear components, which eventually became known as the Dynamic System Standards (DSS). The DSS are renowned across Terra Nova as the strictest standards for Gears on the planet. After the introduction of the Territorial Arms Anolis and widespread complaints from its pilots, both the Southern Republic and the Allied Southern Territories decried that all new Gear designs for their militaries must conform to the DSS. This has led to a profitable sideline for Dynamic Systems in testing other companies’ products for them to ensure they comply with the DSS. Other companies eventually began to ask for Dynamic Systems' input during the preliminary design stage of new Gears. The first model to benefit from such a partnership was the Silverscale, a reliable recon Gear which later went on to inspire the well-known Iguana. One of the greatest success stories was that of the Sidewinder, a reliable general purpose vehicle that became very popular because of the extra protection it afforded its pilot. Dynamic Systems’ involvement in Gear design culminated in the Black Adder which, although manufactured by Territorial Arms, was entirely designed by DS's engineers.

During the War of the Alliance, Dynamic Systems was involved in the development of new tactics to defeat the Colonial Expeditionary Forces’ new vehicles and troops, and had a hand in the design of several Gear variants developed during the war. Since then, Dynamic has been contracted by the Republican government to study ‘what-if’ scenarios involving the return of CEF forces to Terra Nova. This has lead to public announcements by Dynamic strategists that the current tensions between North and South could ruin chances of mounting a successful defense in the case of a renewed invasion, something that has not endeared the company to its employer.

Dynamic Systems maintains several research and testing laboratories in Newtown as well as a field testing facility outside the city and sponsors research by the engineering departments of Newton’s universities. Recently, the company has begun research into “smartnets,” neural nets with increased learning abilities, based partly on the highly advanced neural nets introduced to Terra Nova by the CEF.