Southern Intelligence

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SRID Investigator

Southern Republic Intelligence Directorate

The Republic has built up quite a reputation in its nearly four hundred cycles of existence. Wars of conquest have given its army a fearsome reputation. Its industrial and trade assets give the Republic economic might. A virtually unparalleled propaganda machine makes the state out to be invincible in every arena and the Republican supremacy of the southern hemisphere seems to attest to the truth of these claims. There is one agent of the state, however, that has a reputation even more terrifying than the Republic itself, and that is its intelligence and security agency, the Southern Republic Intelligence Directorate (SRID). SRID is not the only intelligence and covert operations service in the Republic — military intelligence, the army’s Légion Noire and the MILICIA Special Intervention Unit all have roles to play — but SRID is the most feared.

The Intelligence Directorate provides two services for the Republic: intelligence gathering and internal security. The former function is what foreigners know SRID for and the function that gave it its name. SRID has agents in every foreign power, actively gathering intelligence or turning locals into spies. Historically, SRID has been responsible for many spectacular intelligence victories, most notably the theft of the Hunter prototype, leading to the creation of the Southern Jäger. SRID also wields an impressive analysis service, transforming raw data reported by field agents, satellites, monitored communications and public information sources into detailed reports on virtually every aspect of Terranovan life, politics and business. SRID also has a powerful covert operations wing responsible for a number of kidnappings, assassinations and other dirty tricks every cycle.

SRID’s face within the Republic is the Public Interaction Unit (PIU), which serves as the league’s national police. Uniformed, plainclothes and undercover SRID agents operate across the league with the authority to supersede local law enforcement. This arrangement dates from the early days of the Republic and theoretically gives the Estates-General additional power to control the league. Over the centuries, however, the PIU has become an efficient and respected police force. Dedicated officers often resent having to overlook crimes by people who are protected by patrons in the Estates-General.

Les Témoins 

The shadowy partner of SRID, Les Témoins (or “The Witnesses”) is a league-spanning network of secret police and informers. Témoins operatives operate in hiding, gathering dossiers on fellow citizens and filing them with handlers. When a criminal investigation begins, Témoins hand over files on suspects, victims and witnesses to the investigating officials. These files are considered factual testimony in Republican courts of law.

The actual number of Témoins operatives is unknown, although most are thought to be simple citizens who receive a stipend for reporting on their neighbors. Dedicated agents are a rarer breed, controlling other common agents or undertaking special investigations. Rumors persist that the Témoins hold a great deal of damaging information on powerful members of the Estates-General and Curia, giving them a great deal of power.