Port Oasis

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Capital of the AST

Port Oasis is a city in the Southern Republic, and functions as the SR and AST's Capital.

Port Oasis is the name of one of the original two spaceports built on Terra Nova. The launching facilities are still in limited use, despite being heavily damaged by orbital strikes during the War of the Alliance. The spaceport is believed to be the most heavily guarded location on Terra Nova. The Southern Republic’s 4th Infantry Legion (the Watchmen) and three capital-class landships are permanently assigned to protect it. At least one entire regiment is on active guard duty at all times.

The city of Port Oasis actually lies some 30 km away from the old port facilities. The older districts of the city are ringed by thick blast walls that feature, at regular intervals, laser turrets. Newer suburban and industrial districts surround the walled “Old City.” Public parks and green spaces abound outside the walls.

In the center of the old city lies Port Oasis’ town square, the Champs de Mars. The Curia and the Estates-General face each other across the square. Port Oasis’ main boulevard, the Grand Processional, leads from the Champs de Mars to the waterfront where a giant statue of Buddha surveys the harbor.

The architecture of Port Oasis is typically Republican. Imposing Neo-Greco-Roman arches, amphitheaters, museums and forums litter the landscape. All major roads, including the Grand Processional, are lined with stylized colonnades. As is the case with most major cities, numerous (and expensive) tourist traps await the hapless travelers. The city itself, however, has far more hidden and subtle beauties than what appears to the casual observer.

As the capital of the Republic, Port Oasis has become a center for arts and entertainment. The dozens of museums and private galleries set the trends in the Southern art world. Classical music is favored by the residents of the capital while popular music is more prevalent elsewhere. Over thirty Hermes 72 entertainment networks have their headquarters in Port Oasis, more than any other city in the South. While Port Oasis is primarily a government town, its economy is also bolstered by many luxury goods manufacturers. Most famous clothing, scent and jewelry designers have studios and boutiques along the Grand Processional. As the financial center of the SR, Port Oasis is home to myriad banks, brokerage firms and insurance agencies.