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Servant's city

Innsmouth is a quiet, agricultural commune inhabited by an isolated religious sect called the Servants of the Dawn. This sect has been ridiculed by many foreigners because they wear elaborate, long-flowing robes covered with floral and animal prints. The Servants are fanatical pacifists who refuse to engage in any act of violence, including verbal aggression. Outbursts or violent acts are proscribed and are severely punished by painful self-inflicted purification or exile. The rulers and judges of Innsmouth are called Elders. The city is ruled by a council of 15 Elders.

Innsmouth’s entry into the Southern Republic was somewhat bizarre. The city was not originally part of the Republic. In fact, Innsmouth was so isolated that it failed to appear on any official maps. The city surrendered to the Republic when a bataillon of Republican troops got lost during a campaign against the Humanist Alliance in TN 1680. The bataillon commander, eager to make up for his blunder, demanded the town’s unconditional and immediate surrender. Much to his surprise, he obtained it.

Within weeks, the council of Elders and a Republican envoy had negotiated the Treaty of Innsmouth. According to the treaty, all Innsmouth citizens are exempt from any military service. In return, the city of Innsmouth must contribute twice as many supplies as other cities during wartime.