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The SR's fishing port

Marabou is the second largest city-state in the Republic. Because of its location on the northern shore of Lake Esperance, it became a major fishing port. Marabou’s military base serves as the headquarters, main training facility and central barracks for the Southern MILICIA, making it the largest military facility on the planet. Thousands of Gears, tanks and various military vehicles are produced there every year. It comes as no surprise that Marabou is the host of many high-tech military providers.

Three infantry regiments, two armored regiments and one border regiment of the MILICIA are stationed on the base at all times, undergoing training, refit and R&R. They are rotated every three months to ensure equal opportunity for all MILICIAmen. Also, because Marabou is located near a large body of water, it has become the ideal training camp for aquatic operations. Additionally, it is the host of traditional water-based aircraft and Gear carriers. There is always one such ship docked near the city.

The population is largely composed of military personnel and their families. About half a million AST troops are stationed here, a full third of the MILICIA. Because of this diverse military population, the civilian citizens of Marabou have learned to respect the ways of the people of the neighboring leagues and there is little or no prejudice. The work force of Marabou is nearly evenly divided among the military and the fisheries. Marabou also hosts the headquarters of Reisen Materials, a conglomerate specializing in military supplies.

The cosmopolitan nature of Marabou’s urban landscape is in marked contrast to the quiet life in the surrounding rural areas. Called fiefdoms out of tradition, these local counties are home to over a millions fishermen, farmers and simple traders. The acceptance of outsiders common in Marabou proper has filtered into the fiefdoms, but the rural inhabitants are more conservative. Vassals of the fiefdoms (a ceremonial title only) do come to the city proper to trade, but most eventually return to the slower life in the country.

The Marabou landship construction docks, first built inside a quarry in TN 1793, were moved into Lake Esperance itself in TN 1884 when the ships grew in size and became less manageable. The docks are always heavily protected by one cavalry company and no civilians are allowed into it without proper authorization. Since each landship is highly classified, multiple security measures are taken to prevent industrial espionage. The docks produce on average between 5 and 10 tons of finalized ship per week.