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Atop the alpine Réunion Plateau and along the shores of Lake Chantilly lies the small mountain city-state of Réunion. Although warm by Northern standards, Réunion’s high altitude makes it one of the coldest Southern cities. Réunion is a quiet city-state where the population has a small town mentality. Réunion’s economy is dominated by mixed agriculture. Vast, stepped fruit orchards are common in the region immediately surrounding the city. Cawfee and sapa plantations can also be found in the area. Cawfee bean-fruit from the high-altitude plantations of Réunion is prized by gourmets for its rich texture and flavor. The city’s agricultural revenue is supplemented by folk crafts and small publishing houses.

The city’s most famous site is its ancient stone amphitheater. This cyclopean edifice can seat 20,000 and is the home base for the statesponsored Republican Theater Company. About once a week, the company puts on a play to amuse the citizens of Réunion. Since many of the actors are traditionalists, most of the plays put on by the RTC are classics dating back as far as the 31st century.

About twenty kilometers north of the city sits an archeological site where some of the oldest Stoneheads on the planet can be found. One of them, affectionately called Gramps, is nearly 1900 cycles old and was discovered in TN 1885 near an entrance to the MacAllen cave network, where it was half hidden underneath heavy vegetation growth.

Réunion is also home to a certain amount of undesirables, however. Indeed, the infamous Réunion Gentleperson’s Sports Club serves as a meeting place for a variety of ill-advised adventurers with delusions of grandeur. The RGSC regularly organizes expeditions into the wilderness to hunt wild beats or Northern spies. These expeditions usually result in much wasted ammunition, a few terrorized barnabies and even a few wounded villagers.